The Greatest Sin

What is Sin? Sin is commonly defined as an immoral act that goes against divine law. While the concept of sin is often associated with religious beliefs, it is not limited to non-atheists. Atheists may not believe in a divine law, but they still recognize the immorality of acts like murder or theft. Divine law, …

Cognitive Dissonance: an identity crisis

Cognitive dissonance: having conflicting thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, leading to inconsistent decisions and resistance to change. It’s essentially internal hypocrisy—being insightful when it benefits us, but conveniently ignorant when it doesn’t. This trait is common in neurotic individuals. Neuroticism, a personality trait, reflects how much distress, threat, and insecurity a person perceives in the world. …


The Basics Male: Refers to the sex that produces small gametes (spermatozoa) for fertilization Female: Refers to the sex capable of bearing offspring or producing eggs. Work: Physical or mental activity for income. Leisure: Using free time for enjoyment. Education: Acquiring knowledge or training in a particular field. Information = school, training = job. Having …


The Truth is not spoken as much as it should be. We hide from the Truth, and look the other way, if the realization of it might hurt us. All human suffering is only the result of the parties involved not living in line with the Truth. We expect our lives to be happy, but …